To someone: 한테, 에게, 께
에게 and the colloquial 한테 can be used to indicate the person being influenced by an action:
친구에게 편지를 보냈어요.
친구한테 편지를 보냈어요.
I sent a letter to my friend.
께 is an honorific version:
선생님한테 고마워요라고 말했어요.
선생님께 고마워요라고 말했어요.
I said thank you to my teacher.
생일에 여자친구에게꽃을 주었어요.
**I gave flowers to my girlfriend on her birthday.
방금 누구에게 말했어요?
Who were you speaking to just now?
주말마다 부모님께 전화를 해요.
I call my parents every weekend.
그에게 메시지를 보냈지만 그는 답장이 없었어요.
I sent him a message but he didn’t reply.
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