I heard/they said that... so I V-ed: 다기에
V + ㄴ/은/는 다기에 is used when information you heard from someone else is the reason for your action or response. Note the action/response clause is in the past tense:
하이마트에서 가격을 인하한다기에 컴퓨터를 샀어요.
(They said that) there were price reductions at Hi-Mart so I bought my computer there.
친구가 온다기에 집에서 점심을 준비했어요.
(I heard that) my friend was coming so I prepared lunch at home.
비가 많이 온다기에 밖에서 달리기 대신에 헬스장에 갔어요.
(I heard that) it was going to rain so instead of running outdoors I went to the gym.
친구가 쇼핑하러 서울에 간다기에 옷을 사 달라고 부탁했어요.
(I heard that) my friend was going shopping in Seoul last weekend so I asked him to buy me some clothes.
아브카도가 건강에 좋다기에 대형마트를 갈 때마다 샀어요.
(I heard that) avocados are good for you so whenever I went to the supermarket I bought them regularly.
TV를 너무 많이 보면 눈이 더 나쁘진다기에 한 시간 이내로 봤어요.
(I heard that) watching too much TV is bad for your eyes so I only watched TV for less than one hour a day.