How To Say 'Of Course' In Korean (고 말고요)

The Korean ending “A/V + 고말고요” provides a nuanced way to express certainty or agreement with an idea.

This ending is akin to English expressions such as ‘of course’, ‘certainly’, and ‘it goes without saying’.

Grammar rule: Implement A/V + 고말고요 to highlight your willingness to undertake a task or your agreement with a statement or idea.

Certainty with 고 말고요

This ending is frequently employed to underscore a feeling of certainty or assurance.

Here are examples to elucidate this further:

Sample Sentences

내일 비행기로 호주에 갈 거예요. 도착하자마자 전화를 하고 말고요.
I'm flying to Australia tomorrow. Of course I will call as soon as I arrive.
여름에 한국 해변들이 아주 복잡해지고 말고요.
It goes without saying that in the summer, Korean beaches get very crowded.
서울의 대중교통이 시골보다 더 편하고 말고요.
Of course, public transport in Seoul is more convenient than in the countryside.
고향에 오면 밥을 먹으러 만나고 말고요.
If you come to my hometown, of course I'll meet you for dinner.
영국에서는 외식하는 것이 요리보다 더 비싸고 말고요.
In the UK, eating out is certainly more expensive than cooking (at home).

Using 물론 with 고 말고요

In some contexts, 물론 can either replace or be combined with 고 말고요 to stress the element of certainty.

물론, 호주에서 올 때 피곤하고 말고요.
When I come back from Australia, I'll certainly be very tired.


The “고 말고요” ending offers learners a unique way to convey agreement or express strong willingness in Korean.

By integrating this pattern into their lexicon, students can articulate their sentiments with added nuance and conviction.

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