(From what I can see) I guess it's...: 나 보다
A/V/N + 나 보다 indicates that you are guessing something, but unlike 것 같다, your ‘guess’ is based on direct knowledge or experience of the situation. For example:
- Looking out of the window at swaying trees and leaves flying around, you might say “바람이 부르나 봐요” because you are seeing the effects of the wind.
- When your friend tells you they are going to the UK, you might say “비가 올 것 같아요”. Although you know that it sporadically rains there, you’ve never been there, or you’re not there right now, or you’re not currently watching the weather for the UK etc.
Note: A/V/N + 나 보다 is usually said as 나 보네(요) or 나 봐(요)
I guess it is V-ing/it V-ed: (었)나 보다
무대 불이 꺼지고 있어요. 밴드가 나오나 보네요!
The lights are going out on stage. It looks like the band is coming on!
그 외국인이 김치를 잘 먹어요! 오랫동안 한국에 살았나 보네요.
That foreigner eats kimchi well! I guess she’s been living in Korea for a long time.
미안합니다. 전화를 잘못 걸었나 보네요.
I’m sorry. I guess I dialed the wrong number.
일기 예보에 오늘은 날씨가 춥다고 하니 두꺼운 옷을 입어야 하나 보네요.
The weather forecast says it’s cold today, so I guess I should wear thicker clothes.
극장에서 사람이 많이 나와요. 공연이 끝났나 봐요.
There are a lot of people coming out of the theatre. I think the performance is over.
차들이 기어가는 걸 보니 앞에 교통사고가 났나 봐요.
I guess there’s a traffic accident up ahead, because the cars are crawling.
식당 밖에 많은 사람들이 줄을 서 있는 걸 보니 음식이 정말 맛있나 보네요.
I guess the food at that restaurant is really delicious because there’s a lot of people standing in line outside.
I guess it’s A: (ㄴ)나 보다
전화를 안 받는 걸 보니 많이 바쁜가 보네요.
You must be very busy because you don’t answer the phone.
이 콘서트의 인기가 좋은가 보네요. 표가 매진됐어요.
I guess this concert is very popular. Tickets are sold out.
너의 배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나고 있어?! 배가 고프나 봐!
Is that your stomach growling?! You must be hungry!
I guess it’s N: 인가 보다
길이 막히네요. 러시아워인가 보네요.
The traffic is really bad. I guess it’s rush hour.
가게 문이 닫히고 있는 걸 보니 기도 시간인가 보네요.
I guess it’s time to pray because the store’s doors are closing.
가: A 왜 학생들이 한 명도 수업에 안 왔어요?
가: Why didn’t even one student come to class?
나: 내일이 시험이어서 학생들이 벼락치기를 하나 봐요.
나: I guess students are cramming for the exam tomorrow.
I guess it will V: 을 건가 보다
하늘이 흐린 걸 보니 비가 올 건가 봐요.
I guess it’s going to rain because the sky is cloudy.