Compound Verbs 10: 나다 (to come out, occur)
태어나다 — to be born
(birth/origin + 나다)
저는 웨일스에서 태어났지만 영국에서 자랐어요.
I was born in Wales but I grew up in England.
유월 중순에 여동생의 아기가 태어날 거예요.
My sister is expecting a baby in the middle of June.
생각나다 — to come to mind
(to think + 나다)
그 사람을 보면 영국친구가 생각나요.
That man reminds me of my friend from the UK.
이 곡을 들을 때마다 고등학교가 생각나요.
Whenever I hear this song it reminds me of high school.
나가다 — to leave
(나다 + to go)
몇시에 집을 나갔어요?
What time did you leave the house?
나오다 — to come out
(나다 — to come)
고향에 돌아갈 때마다 사투리가 나와요.
Whenever I return to my hometown my local accent comes out.
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