How To Say 'Because' In Korean (왜냐하면... V + 거든요 & (기) 때문에)

In Korean, explaining reasons or causes often involves the structures ‘왜냐하면… V + 거든요’ and ‘(기) 때문에’.

This guide will help you understand the usage and differences between these expressions.

왜냐하면… V + 거든요

The combination of 왜냐하면 and V + 거든요 translates to “because.” Here are examples to help clarify the concept:


매일 저는 한국어를 공부해요. 왜냐하면 한국말을 잘 하고 싶거든요.
I study Korean every day because I want to speak Korean well.
저는 라디오 듣기를 좋아해요. 왜냐하면 새로운 음악은 항상 재미 있거든요.
I enjoy listening to the radio because new music is consistently interesting.
오사카 정말 좋았어요. 왜냐하면 오사카는 사람이 너무 많았거든요.
Osaka was great, but I personally preferred Kyoto because Osaka had too many people.
요즘 저는 버스로 부산에 가요. 왜냐하면 기차보다 더 싸거든요.
These days I commute to Busan by bus because it is more cost-effective than the train.

(기) 때문에

This structure provides another way to express “because” or “due to.”


제가 더 건강하게 먹으려고 노력하기 때문에 매일 점심 식사를 만들어요.
I make my lunch every day because I aim to have a healthier diet.
발이 아주 크기 때문에 한국 신발 가게에서 신발을 찾기가 안 쉬워요.
Locating shoes in Korean stores is challenging because I have large feet.
친구를 열심히 일하기 때문에 그는 스트레스를 받아요.
My friend experiences stress because he dedicates himself entirely to his job.
싸늘한 날씨 때문에 버스를 늦었어요.
The chilly weather caused the bus to be delayed.
시끄러운 소리 때문에 잘 듣지 않았어요.
Due to the loud noise, I had difficulty hearing.

Understanding 왜냐하면… V + 거든요 and (기) 때문에 will significantly enhance your capacity to explain reasons and causes in Korean.

These structures, while different in form, help to convey rationale and justification seamlessly.

The more you practice, the more naturally you’ll be able to utilize them in your conversations.

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