Although Vs Even Though In Korean (ㄴ/은/는 데도)

The Korean expression A + ㄴ/은데도 for adjectives and V + 는데도 for verbs are similar to the English terms “although” or “even though.”

These expressions are used to introduce a contrasting idea to the one previously mentioned, emphasizing the surprising or unexpected nature of the statement that follows.

Example Sentences

이 영화를 2번 봤는데도 구상을 기억이 안 나요.
Even though I've seen this movie twice, I can't remember the plot.
에어컨을 켰는데도 아직 더워요.
Even though I switched on the air conditioner, it's still very hot.
10살 부터 피아노를 쳤는데도 잘 안 하는 편이에요.
Although I've played the piano since I was 10, I can't really play that well.
바다가 고요한 것 같은데도 가끔 찐자 위험해요.
Although the sea looks peaceful, it is sometimes very dangerous.
그 여자는 예쁜데도 아직 슬프고 고독한 것 같아요.
Although that woman is pretty, she still seems sad and lonely.
저 사람이 한국인 인데도 한국에서 살고 싶지 않아요.
Even though that man is Korean, he doesn't want to live in Korea.

Usage notes

  1. The ㄴ/은/는 데도 structure is used when the speaker finds the following statement surprising, ironic, or unexpected based on the previous statement.
  2. This expression can be both formal and informal depending on the verb conjugation in the following sentence.


The A + ㄴ/은데도 and V + 는데도 structures in Korean are a great way to express contrasting or contradictory ideas in a sentence. They allow the speaker to introduce a topic and then provide additional, often surprising, information.

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