Organizing and Sorting in Korean: Using '별' and '별로'

Introduction to ‘별’ and ‘별로’ in Korean

In the Korean language, N + 별 and N + 별로 play crucial roles in depicting how various items, people, or concepts are organized, ranked, or sorted. These grammatical points are particularly useful in daily conversations, especially when explaining or inquiring about specific arrangements or classifications.

Grammar Rule: Attach or 별로 to a noun to express the idea of “according to” or “by” in terms of organizing or categorizing.

Examples of Using ‘별’ and ‘별로’

청소년 때 장르별로 저의 CD들을 정리했어요.
When I was a teenager, I organised my CDs by genre.
이름별 학생들이 교실에서 의자에 앉아요.
Students are seated in the classroom by their names.
종류별로 재활용 쓰레기를 분류해 주세요.
Please sort the recyclable waste by type.
국적별로 보면 바레인인이 바레인의 전체 인구 중에 45%만을 치지해요.
When looked at by nationality, only 45% of Bahrain's total population is made up of Bahrainis.
주제별 도서관에 있는 책을 정리해요.
The books in the library are arranged by subject.


Being able to articulate how things are arranged or categorized is essential in many daily scenarios. By understanding the use of and 별로 in Korean, you can navigate conversations more fluidly and inquire or explain various classifications effectively.

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